Sharon Cameron Books
Sharon Cameron Books

Things you might like to know about me…

about the author sharon cameron

I love Scotland.

I love big trees.

I love big trees.

about the author sharon cameron

I love mysteries. Because they need solving.

When I was six, I had a crush on Thomas Jefferson. Oh yes, that’s true.

about the author sharon cameron

When I was six, I had a crush on Thomas Jefferson. Oh yes, that’s true.

about the author sharon cameron

When I was ten, I had a crush on Johnny Tremain. This is also true.

I have read Lord of the Rings 47 times and counting.

about the author sharon cameron

my library ent.

I have read Lord of the Rings 47 times and counting.

about the author sharon cameron

“It was a dark and stormy night…”

Favorite quote: “But why is it sunny? I don’t want it to be sunny! Nothing exciting ever happens when it’s sunny!”
—Sharon Cameron, age 4

I don’t want anyone or anything to ever be forgotten.

I want to understand the past.

There is nothing bigger in this world than my raging curiosity.

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